isbnsearch-devel - Home
Purpose: To develop and maintain isbnsearch.
- Full documentation
for isbnsearch is available, including:
- For support or queries, please join the
isbnsearch-devel mailing list.
- For general information on the project, please see the main
SourceForge pages.
- For a look at how the project website operates, see the
active site.
- For information on why certain ISBN records might not be found, please
see the FAQ.
On this site
RSS Feed: Project news releases (including full text of news items)
Other feeds are available from the
- This is the home of the development section of the
isbnsearch project. Development files are updated with each
isbnsearch package release. All development files are available for
download from this site
and from the main isbnsearch
SourceForge site. All devel files are also available in the
folder of the main isbnsearch CVS
tree held at
Development files are no longer included in the main
isbnsearch release, only in the development release.
- Verification notes and scripts from isbnsearch.
- All servers are re-tested after major code revisions and before each package
release. Changes will be updated on these pages. Last update: v0.5 release.
Wed Nov 3 11:41:37 GMT 2004
- Servers listed on the LoC gateway but that failed to initialise the Z39.50 protocol
during tests using the
Library of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Gateway interface are ignored.
Other servers listed as FAIL may have accepted a normal Perl socket request on the
Z39.50 port but failed to complete a Z39.50 connection on the same port. This may be
due to configuration faults on the server or firewalls. isbnsearch tries to use
canonical names in preference to IP addresses for two reasons:
- IP addresses generally have a shorter life than the canonical name
- A DNS failure on a canonical name is easier to detect than a failed IP
address that may or may not have a reverse-lookup name and will usually not
respond to ping requests but will often allow a Perl socket request to complete,
even if the service on that port is down or disabled.
- Canonical names that fail to resolve via DNS are ignored and are no longer
even listed in the server reports.
- The servers listed on this site are a combination of LoC Gateway servers and
Net::Z3950::AsyncZ servers with any canonical names tested in DNS. Every server
in the LoC Gateway page or the AsyncZ DB.txt list on Tue Nov 2 2004 has been

The copyright licensing notice below applies to this text.
Copyright © 2003-2004 Neil Williams
Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of this license is included in the file copying.txt